Here is the new house( it is a little split level) we bought and waiting anxiously to close.This is the before pic's it will look much different went I get my grubby little hands on it, can't wait.It also has a fenced in back yard, deck and large tree like the front..
We had the floor man come to measure for carpet,pergo (laminate) floors and tiles.The prices were great so good to go.Then we went looking for appliances, we want all stainless..I needed a fainting couch after hearing his quote..we are good to go now just waiting for that closing date..
Oh this is even better than the last picture we saw of your new house! It's going to be great when you do your magic on it! Hope you can close soon.
Well I will keep my fingers crossed that you will get to move into your new home soon. Oh my Jacque I can't even begin to grasp how you can manage moving again after doing the other house up. But if that is what one has to do then one has to do. I am sorry to hear about your mums fall. You will feel much relieved once get her place sorted out near you so that you can keep an eye on her.
I miss you creations and strangely enough only today I was looking at one of your little dolls that I bought and wondering about you.
I'm glad that you have the closing on your old house behind you, that your mother is recovering and will be moved somewhere closer to your new home.
I'm sure you feel a bit unsettled now but boy that is a lovely house you bought and I'm sure it will feel like home in no time!! I hope you get settled soon, we miss you!!
Yellow my favorite color...love yellow houses...so bright and cheerful. Can't wait to see what you do to transform it. Glad Maggie is feeling better. You have been one busy woman. I hope you don't have to camp long!!! If you get a chance check out my blog...Cora Diane's picture is there. hugs
The new place looks wonderful. I know you are itching to get in there and start working.But until then, enjoy your mini camping vacation.
*This comment brought you by the Other Linda* ROFLMAO!!!
I know you are thrilled and can't wait to get into your new home.
I'm sorry to hear about your Mother. Hope she is doing better.
I'm so far behind on reading about what everyone is up to.
Love & Hugs
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