I have looked high and low for a cream pitcher with a lid.No where to be found , my cousin Bobbi said she did not believe she had ever seen one and she is an antique dealer, so she had her eye out also. Guess who found one??? Auntie Linda from an antique store in KY .I am so thrilled I just had to show it off...I can't wait for someone to visit that needs a dab of cream in their coffeee or tea, wanna come visit??
wohooo it's awesome and what a great pressie...
How pretty! And what a good friend Auntie Linda is to have found that for you.
Linda F from FL
It is so cute. Love it.
Yep, I wanna come have a cuppa with you Jacque and have cream poured from the little pitcher! Auntie Linda is a jewel and I know the pitcher and Auntie Linda are especially special to you!
Put the coffee on, Jacque! I'll be right there! LOL! What a pretty creamer! You know, I collect teapots & cups'n saucers, but not the sugar bowls or cream pitchers. So I never thought about the fact that most creamers aren't lidded! Hmmmm! Well, Auntie Linda, you did GOOOOOOOOOOD!
Great lookin creamer Auntie Linda found. That was sweet of her.
Yeah, I wanna come and visit. We can brew Starbucks and use the cream in your new creamer.
Love & Hugs
I'd love to come for coffee, but we're snowed in here...but remember, the door's always open here and the coffee's always hot!
Aw that is so sweet.....both the dear little pitcher and Auntie Linda for sending it! I never thought about creamers not having lids, but it makes sense...they should, shouldn't they. Now I'll be looking for one everywhere I go!
That is a very nice creamer and Tia Linda is super for finding it for you. I'd color it with alcohol inks myself, hee hee. I'm bad.
Awsome! I don't think I've ever seen a creamer with a lid. Guess we learn something new every day huh?
So glad Linda found it for you.
Hewoo Jacque
oh I do love your lovely glass creamer- I have never seen a glass creamer- pottery ones - with and without lids but not glss- this is truely a find and is beautiful
love n hugs bear xoxoxoxox
Thank y'all for your nice comments!!
I have never actually seen one with a top nor anyone who own ones!....I have only heard about them. I am a collector of all things tea related! I own several double spouts and unusual tea caddies in silver but this is a real treat for me too! They Do exist! lol Lucky Ducks! I will bring the tea cakes and see you soon....
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