My first award is from Shashi back in February.Even tho I was tickled to get this award I had no idea what to do with it, much less time.My life has been hectic for this entire year.So thank you very much Shashi! This is deeply appreciated .Thank you Linda Fleming for setting everything up! I still don't know what I am doing...the rules are:
1. If you get tagged (and want to play along), write a post with links to blogs that you love,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
The blogs I love are:
1.Linda F, she already has this award from Shashi but do go look at her beautiful art I enjoy reading her blog, she has such a creative talent and her blog is so much fun to read.
2.Mary O. , she is doing lots of great sketches. also check out her art dolls and knitting from the past year,you will love reading Mary O's blog.
3.Sherry G. She is a great artist and the reason behind all that I do.She always has her fingers in a new project!
4. Judi A, She is a fantastic artist, photographer and blogger, she really has a way with words.
5. Sue , not only is a great blogger but she makes the most wonderful soaps.Very talented in many areas including her home and flowers..